速報APP / 教育 / DBMS Ultimate Guide - Library

DBMS Ultimate Guide - Library





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:HSR Layout 560102- Bangalore

DBMS Ultimate Guide - Library(圖1)-速報App

Learn DBMS through collection of VIDEO Lectures and Notes

OFFLINE Complete Database Management System(DBMS) Notes

Curated complete Notes and Video Collection With Important Interviews Questions.

A free offline handbook of Database Management Systems (DBMS). Use this App as a reference material, digital book and DBMS video library for Computer science engineering programs & Software courses.

★★ Features of DBMS Ultimate Guide ★★

★ Ultimate guide to Database Management System (DBMS) covers almost all topic in concisely.

★ Collection of Video Lecture/tutorial on Database Management System (DBMS).

DBMS Ultimate Guide - Library(圖2)-速報App

★ Updated Articles on Database Management System (DBMS).

★ Important Frequently Asked Interview Question and Answer on DBMS.

★ This Offline Database Management system app is extremely helpful for college students.

★ This Offline to guide DBMS doesn't eat your data every time you open this app for revising important topic.

★ This DBMS Guide app contain Neat and clean diagram in each section to grasp things easily

★ This Free guide to Database management system also contain quiz section to test your preparation.

-- Topic Included:

DBMS Ultimate Guide - Library(圖3)-速報App

- DBMS - Overview

- DBMS - Architecture

- DBMS - Architecture

- ER Model

- RDBMS Model

- RDBMS Design

- Storage and File Structure

DBMS Ultimate Guide - Library(圖4)-速報App

- SQL Query

- Indexing and Hashing

-- And Much more

DBMS Ultimate Guide - Library(圖5)-速報App